Sunday, July 27, 2008

I am a magnet for crazy, difficult bosses

my mum says this is just the hospitality industry. At least Fritz (my boss in Germany) spoke a language I could understand...
I am not particularly enjoying my job at Kang's Korean restaurant. The work itself isn't too bad: I basically do everything except cook, but the place is small, and all it requires is CONSTANT VIGILANCE (not to channel Mad-Eye Moody...) to make sure there isn't anything I can be doing at any moment. My much maligned so-called protestant work ethic-- by which I think people mean the inability to see work and not do it, and the ability to see work, period-- comes very much in handy. I make slightly less than minimum wage, in an under the table, pays-in-cash job, but that's so much more than I was making looking for a job earlier this summer.
However, I work 12-4 every day except Sunday. This doesn't sound so bad, until you realize that it precludes doing anything that would take the whole day, ever. Also, when I asked for the week to go on my family vacation, Mr. Kang blew his top and totally chewed me out. Mrs. Kang, who handles the employees, was fortunately much nicer about it, and gave me the time, but still, I'm afraid that I can't take too much time without losing my job. This rather inhibits my summer. I have two friends visiting from Germany (yay!!), but I will not have much time to spend with them. I am currently trying to reach Mrs. Kang on the phone so I can angle for a few more days off, without the tirade from her husband. we shall see.
that's pretty much it for now, folks. Am counting down the days until I leave, not because I don't love the people here, but because I am (after a week of work) ready to not be- if only somewhat- stuck in this job, and oh so ready to be in London!
Did I mention that I got my housing offer? I will be living in a small dorm on the grounds of Lambeth Palace (where the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Anglican Communion, lives). This is right across the river from Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Also, it isn't too far from the Strand, where all my classes are, and I'm sure there's convenient public transport. It is, after all, London.
you may be jealous now.

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