Friday, September 12, 2008


So here I am! Just a brief post for now, because Natasha (my sister-in-law) is making dinner. I've been doing lots, and have lots more to do, so am a little frantic. Unfortunately, I won't have internet for the first few days at my dorm, until I get a King's login, on Tuesday, when I enroll. But I have this lovely laptop, courtesy of my lovely (extremely generous) brother, so I'm all set for now.
So, my dad had a more or less uneventful drive to Chicago on Wednesday, taking approximately five hours (not bad time). When we got there, we discovered that for Virgin Atlantic doesn't count the cello as a suitcase, so I could have had two suitcases and the cello. Not that I could have carried all that, but it would have eased the packing situation. Anyways, I ended up checking my backpack, filled with the heaviest stuff from the suitcase, so that it was under the weight limit (or under the slightly higher limit that the lady at check in allowed me). So that was better than it could have been, by a long shot. Good to know for the trip home too. Unfortunately, I checked my normal glasses, because they were in the bag with a crochet project I stuffed in the suitcase for the flight, so I had to wear sunglasses for the flight.
The flight itself was fairly smooth, only 7 1/2 hours, which is short, I think. The landing was really rough though, and we had to circle Heathrow for ten minutes, so I almost threw up. Then I felt like I was going to faint all through customs, but I felt that would be a bad idea, and almost certainly slow the process. So I stayed concious and didn't throw up, through sheer force of will. I breezed through customs, found all of my baggage just waiting for me, intact and unmolested. Unfortunately, my taxi driver did not fit this description: he wasn't there at all (perhaps he had left already?) but I got another taxi, and made it to my brother's place intact.
That afternoon, I went to my dorm to turn in all of my paperwork, and see the place. Setting is gorgeous, location fine, rooms absolutely dreary. oh well, can't have everything. I also went to campus to turn in my health forms, and discovered that I basically go to the coolest school ever, at least location wise. My classes are at the Strand campus which is on the Strand, between the Embankment and Temple Tube stops, so basically, right on the river, in the middle of just about everything. :) It takes about 15-20 mins to get to campus via the Tube, but shouldn't be much longer walking, so that's probably what I'll do. cheaper too.
Today, Natasha and I did a little local shopping, mostly to compare prices for housewares for me, but also to buy baby stuff. Then I continued on to Ikea by myself. Ikea, even here, is a place best reached by car. It was a ways out on the Tube, which in itself isn't a problem, but then it was a long walk through unpleasant industrial areas to get to the store (and back, loaded with stuff). However, it was worth it, as I bought pots, a frying pan, a knife, cutting board, plates, cutlery (set of 24 for £6, as I couldn't by individual pieces), towels, sheets, duvet cover, rug (to brighten the dingy greybrown carpeting), tubs for leftovers, and baby stuff for Natasha, all for £70, which was £30 less than my budget for this sort of thing. Of course, I will probably find other things I will want, but this is a good start. Hauling all that back to the station was really unpleasant though. I am getting another taxi to take me and my stuff to the dorm tomorrow. There is no way that is working on the Tube.
Still to be done: getting money on to my phone (my british sim card works in my american phone, yay!), moving in, enrolling, figuring out orientation schedule and then actual schedule, finding a church and grocery stores and a job... the list could continue, but you get the idea. One thing at a time, I suppose, although it all sort of feels like it has to happen NOW! still, I am in London!!! sooo happy bout that. :)
love to everyone, but communication will be spotty at best over the next few days. no interwebs. :(

1 comment:

Heike said...

Hey Maggy,

how's it going? I hope you are fine and still have time to enjoy the wonderful city you're living in! Yeah, it's sooo complicated to get all those things done, buy the stuff you need and adjust to the new environment... But - hey! - it's all in your native language ;-)!

Keeping you in my prayers,
