Thursday, October 16, 2008


On an afternoon like this, the pale, bright light of the sun turns the wind-shattered surface of the river brilliant and blinding. Every so often a cloud pulls across, and the river becomes silver, but still bright. The buildings are sharp and clear against the backdrop of the sky. Today it is definitely Autumn, with a strong wind and a chill in the air. I kicked through the piles of leaves that accumulated on the South Bank walk below Westminster Bridge, but they were all brown. I miss the fire of the trees in Michigan, where each leaf seems like a work of art, and the whole world is filled with such a variety of color, unlike any other time of year. I miss apple cider and pumpkins.
I never thought of these particular aspects of Autumn as especially American. They are not usually included on patriotic lists. They should be, because Michigan's Fall might be the only thing I miss about the country itself.
I also miss my family, my cats, and my friends. That's a little more expected though.


Heike said...

I know what you mean. Wisconsin is on fire these days - beautiful (there are pics on my blog :-))! Enjoy your sojourn in one of the most famous cities in the world nevertheless!!

Thinking of you,

P.S.: I'm considering staying longer, but it's not yet definite...

lisbeth said...

"I never thought of these particular aspects of Autumn as especially American. They are not usually included on patriotic lists."

YES. Upstate's falls as well. It was a little jarring to go out of London last weekend and find out it really is fall; I think maybe autumn only comes properly outside of London. But this wonderful, crispy, chilly weather is a good substitute, don't you think? I love the way everything crunches.